Guest book
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barry: blobs on your map gone
I often take a look at a french airfield etc using your site. The red and green blobs (depicting roughly the airfield locations in france) have disappeared from the map of france completely. I have just changed over to google chrome - dont know whether this has anything to do with this. Please advise thankyou
Thank you for pointing that out Barry. It was a problem at my end which I have now fixed so it should be working again now.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Ueli Siekmann: excellent informations
Hi Alasdair,
I found your homepage and used it for planning our trip to France summer 2012.
Saint Romain airstrip was a great place to visit with a friendly airfield owner inviting us to lunch in his hangar.
In 2013 we will visit rebeyrotte and will follow your suggestions for the castle-airstrips.
A pilot from Switzerland
ecoflyers(dot)ch, ecoflight(dot)ch and sg-dittingen(dot)ch
Saturday, 24 November 2012
victor healey: motivation
im learning to fly at Redhill & your flight to Spain is the kind of flying i want to do so thks for the motivation & well done flying down to Spain.
Thursday, 09 August 2012
Nick Bennett: Nick Bennett visited
Many thanks for good info' + well presented.
Hoping to do some flying in France in the near future.
Based @ Lower Upham - Hampshire - Solent Flight
Monday, 09 July 2012
Alison Hastings: Accommodation
Hi Alasdair, we are planning to fly around France this summer with our 2 young(ish) kids and was wondering whether you can recommend airfields close to family-friendly accommodation? Great site btw!
Many thanks, Alison
Hello Alison,
Thanks for the kind words about the site! I have just added two new links to the 'French flying' section; one is a Google map with some details of airfields with accommodation (primarily chateau-style) nearby and the other is a link to the Aéroclub de Hesbaye site which has a good list of airfields, each with details including nearby accommodation options. You'll need to click on the 'Bases à visiter' link within the site.
Personally I enjoyed staying at the Château de Monhoudou (LF7255) north of Le Mans which is somewhere with its own strip. I spent last week visiting two small islands off the west coast, l'Ile d'Yeu and Belle Ile which are great places and easy to get to by air. On l'Ile d'Yeu we often stay at the hotel Escale ( which would be good for families too I think. On Belle Ile we went back to the Hotel du Phare ( in the pretty little port of Sauzon at the north end of the island. Both of those involve a taxi ride from the respective airfields.
Have a great trip!
Monday, 25 June 2012
Paul Owen: Wonderful Information
I have just returned to your pages, Alasdair. My last visit was maybe two years ago. It is really excellent and thank you so much for putting all together.
Thank you Paul!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Annie: Brilliant
This is a great website - so useful!!!
Deep respect re. your amazing knowledge of flying in France. Hope to get more experience and be able to visit a few French destinations.
Thanks Annie - always nice to know when people find it useful!
Sunday, 08 April 2012
Nick B: Excellent!
This is a brilliant website! You've obviously put a huge amount of thought and time into it. If you had one more link on your site, it should be a wish list, so that well-off visitors to this site (I hope to be included in ther ranks, one day) could return the favour by donating to one of your favourite charities, or paying a small amount towards your annual hosting fees, or even helping along a beer-and-curry fund!
Thanks again!
Thank you Nick - some nice ideas there!
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
mikehallam: RansMail
Thanks for taking the query re Mogas on board.
For RansMail, please send me a PM with your preferred e-mail address.
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Emilia: advice
Hello Alasdair,
Great site. Would love your help- I am looking for a private/quiet airfield near a chateau within 5km or on a private property in France. Could you reccomend any place or a landing strip extremely close by to a town/lovely hotel?
Thank you very much, merci beaucoup!
Hi Emilia,
A nice place that I have stayed at is Château de Monhoudou (LF7255) which is NNE of Le Mans. There is a useful web site that lists that sort of thing - I'll try to find the link.
Wednesday, 07 March 2012
mike hallam: MoGas ?
Really great since you have obviously done a lot of work to improve your site. Last year I took my little Toshiba in my Rans S6 to Chauvigny via Abbeville & inter alia used your site but had to swap to the French guides too. Now you have the links to them one can use yours for most stuff when planning etc.
However I had to carry 40 L of UK Mogas in cans on the pax seat out & French supermaker fuel ditto on the journey home to allow me to refuel when I stopped at Abbecville as Rotax 912 80 hp don't relish Avgas
I was trying to see which a/fields had MoGas but checking a few find none offer it. Do you happen to know if any field have it available please ? If so is there any way of your one day putting a sort of marker or search facility ?
Weather of course is a second main need, but better with so many Fr. & UK sources to choose a few of one's own favourites.
mike hallam [email protected]
p.s. If you'd like it, I can reciprocate by sending you RansMail monthly by e-mail
Hi Mike,
In my listings for individual fields I do flag up those that say they have MOGAS. I'll have a think about how to make it easier to query on that sort of thing. And yes, I'd be interested to get RansMail.
Wednesday, 07 March 2012
David Beckley: Restaurants near airfields
Hi Alasdair,
A great site, and perhaps I have missed the info, but do you know any clubs or strips south of Poitiers down to Bergerac, where there is a restaurant within easy walking distance.
Many thanks
Hi David,
I don't know any personally, but the Pilote Plus guide is useful for that sort of infomation. They also have a web site at and an Apple app called Pilote Plus. Another useful app is 'Resto-Aero' by
Update - the Pilote Plus web site seems yo have turned Chinese, so it's either closed down or been hijackd I'm afraid.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Alan Mortimer: Group A at ULM Strips
Has anybody information on using ULM strips in a C172. Is special permission required, or can you just phone for PPR?
PS have had 8 goes at the image code!!
Hello Alan,
Best to ring to check the legality and practicality for the specific field(s).
Sorry about the image code. The spammers have automated their recognition of the simpler ones so the site gets bombarded with spam if it's any easier to recogonise I'm afraid.
Thursday, 05 January 2012
Jeff: Thanks!!!!
Huge thanks for taking the time and trouble to put all this info together. It's a valuable resource.
Thanks again,
Wednesday, 04 January 2012
ndweber: WWI American Aerodrome
Alasdair, I have a 12 ft panorama photo of an American photo recon areodrome from WWI. On the horizon are listed the cities of Allain, Toul and Colembey les Belles. Grandfather was in a cook squad at the areodrome. Do you have any record of this location for your map site? The photo album contains a lot of other photos of the areodrome and its resources and personel.
Thanks for you help - N
Looking at the map the most promising candidate is probably Nancy Ochey (LFSO). There's a Wikipedia entry for it here which says it is a pre-WWII airfield.
Monday, 02 January 2012